cause and effect
  1. run=you die (walter scott)
  2. stay & get arrested=you die (freddie gray)
  3. lay down while handcuffed=you die (eric harris, oscar grant)
  4. fight back=you die (trayvon martin)
  5. mind your business=you die (john crawford)
  6. put your hands up=you die (mike brown)
  7. proclaim your innocence=you die (eric garner)
  8. getting married=you die( sean bell)
  9. pants sagging=you die (ervin edwards)
  10. beg for your life=you die (thaddeus mccarroll, cedric bartee)
  11. get evicted=you die (Eleanor Bumpurs (1918-1984 NYPD)
  12. go to church=you die (9 people at the Charleston AME church)
  13. ask police for help after car accident=you die (Jonathan Ferrell)
  14. enjoy yourself on the wine train=you get kicked off (book club)
  15. Can't sell CD's (Alton Sterling)
  16. Can't sleep(Aiyana Jones)
  17. Can't have the rights to Lawfully carry a Weapon (Philando Castile)
  18. play in a park - Tamir Rice
  19. false stop for tail light - Sandra Bland
  20. lay down while handcuffed=you die (eric harris, oscar grant)
  21. be the hero - Jemel Roberson
  22. NC Central student - DeAndre Ballard
  23. can't sit at home - Botham Shem Jean
  24. can't pull over for police - Antwon Rose Jr.
  25. can't walk away - Robert Lawrence White
  26. Executed after car chase - Anthony Lamar Smith
  27. Executed in his home - Ramarley Graham
  28. Executed by police - Manuel Loggins Jr.