DC in Snow

Gails house in the snow
Peering down the alley
A look up the hill 

The snow on the road has stayed around a few days. There was 12" of snow to the south of us in Fredericksburg

Karen the polar explorer

We had significant snowfall for this area. We are not prepared for the rare occasion when we get a heavy snow especially if it sticks around a few days
I love the warm and cold, the dark and light contrasts in this image.

DC at Christmas

Washington Monument - the monuments are all lit up in interesting ways
This is the Willard Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue where Karen had a gig.
We took a walk down in the Presidential garden where the White House Christmas trees are displayed

White House Walkabout - We're just enjoying a sort of tradition we have. Karen is sentimental for the Christmas season and the decorations. It reminds her of the Plaza lights in Kansas City

State trees with White House in the distance
The White House Christmas tree... where's the menorah and the celebrations for the restavus
The tree with the White House
Karen in front of the Kansas tree, her home state

Hirschorn at New Years

Fascinating story at the exhibit
End of the story