Mexico City August 2022 Part 5

Teotehuacan Pyramids 40 miles north of CDMX
We were told it was a very long walk in hot sun to the pyramid site. The site was right next to the parking lot. But the archealogical site was huge. There were many pyramids and other buildings. Many are still being excavated.

The Mexican skies in August were always dramatic. The rainy season is upon us, but we actually only experienced a little rain. It was always predicted and it probably rained somewhere.


Ticket Booth at the North Bus Station 
A cool quiet resting spot in the intense heat. This was half a mile in.
Another view. Another vendor 
Beautiful plants 
This makes quite an impression to me. This was a massive project. 
Rich warm flowers
A sense of scale
View from a distance


Using my long lens

Visitors are not allowed on the pyramids
Had the 400mm lens out
These stairs were very steep and the surfaces were rough